Year of composition: 2012
This composition received an official nomination to the Hollywood Music in Media Awards 2013, Los Angeles, California. Winner of a silver medal at the Global Music Awards 2014, San Diego, California. Commissioned and dedicated to the A Coruña Municipal Wind Orchestra and its conductor, José Luís Represas.
Length: 29 minutes
Scored for: wind orchestra and speaker (text in Galician, Spanish and English)
Opus 9 - AA092016
i. Prologue: voiceless voice
ii. Nightfall in Orzán
iii. Walking through the seashore
iv. The accident
v. Rescue!
vi. Tragedy
vii. Epilogue: the heroes of Orzán
First performance was given by A Coruña Municipal Wind Orchestra, conducted by José Luís Represas, at Palace of the Opera, A Coruña, Spain, November 4, 2012.
Please note:
Full set and study scores are purchased, fulfilled in hard copy, and yours to keep. Full sets are licensed per two years of performance, and it can be renewed with an additional cost of 100€. Additional parts are delivered in PDF, and the fixed electronics (when necessary) is free downloaded through a QR code printed on the full score.
For more information or request additional parts, please, contact us through: sales@aalcaldemusic.com.

Study score
Full set
Brief notes:
Commissioned and dedicated to A Coruña Municipal Wind Orchestra and its conductor, José Luís Represas. Nominated to the Hollywood Music in Media Awards 2013, contemporary category, celebrated in the Henry Fonda Theater, Los Angeles, California; and obtained a silver medal in the Global Music Awards 2014, San Diego, California. First performance was given by A Coruña Municipal Wind Orchestra, conducted by José Luís Represas, at Palace of the Opera, A Coruña (Spain) on November 4, 2012.
The heroes of Orzán is written for a large wind orchestra and a speaker who guides the entire composition by narrating the extra-musical events in the manner of a voice-over, almost like a police report. These extra-musical elements follow the tragedy that occurred on the beach of Orzán in January 2012, where the policemen José Antonio Villamor, Rodrigo Maseda, and Javier López became heroes when they tried to save the life of Slovak student Tomas Velicky. As mentioned above, all of these extra-musical elements are described by the speaker throughout the entire composition, overlapping them with the music as a single unity.
The heroes of Orzán is divided into seven movements that follow one after the other in an uninterrupted manner. The movements are:
I. Prologue: voiceless voice.
II. Nightfall in Orzán.
III. Walking through the seashore.
IV. The accident.
V. Rescue!
VI. Tragedy.
VII. Epilogue: the heroes of Orzán.
Encargada y dedicada a la Banda Municipal de A Coruña junto a su director, José Luís Represas. Esta composición fue nominada a los ‘Hollywood Music in Media Awards’ 2013, categoría contemporánea, celebrados en el teatro Henry Fonda, Los Ángeles, California (EE. UU); y obtuvo una medalla de plata en los ‘Global Music Awards’ 2014, San Diego, California (EE. UU). El estreno corrió a cargo de la Banda Municipal de A Coruña, bajo la dirección de José Luís Represas en el Palacio de la Ópera, A Coruña (España) el 4 de noviembre del 2012.
The heroes of Orzán (los héroes de Orzán) está escrita para una gran orquesta de viento y narrador que, a modo de voz en off, guía toda la composición narrando los acontecimientos extra musicales como si de atestados policiales se tratasen. Estos elementos extra musicales siguen la tragedia ocurrida en la playa de Orzán en enero del 2012, donde los policías José Antonio Villamor, Rodrigo Maseda y Javier López se convirtieron en héroes al intentar salvar la vida del estudiante eslovaco Tomas Velicky. Como se ha expuesto anteriormente, todos estos elementos extra musicales son descritos por el narrador a lo largo de toda la composición, superponiéndolos a la propia música como si de una sola unidad se tratase.
Los héroes de Orzán está dividida en siete movimientos que se suceden de forma ininterrumpida. Los movimientos son:
I. Prólogo: voz sin voz.
II. Anochece en Orzán.
III. Caminando por la orilla del mar.
IV. El accidente.
V. ¡Rescate!
VI. Tragedia.
VII. Epílogo: los héroes de Orzán.